Post by Wiley NeilsonPost by Susanx-no-archive: yes
Post by Joel OlsonThey just outlawed affirmative action,
and a zealous lawmaker put up the money to
put up a stone tablet of the ten commandments
with 2 spelling errors on it.
Let's offer them money to secede.
Is there a mechanism for getting rid of a state? Can we just give Arizona
and Texas back to Mexico?
Let Obama pass a few bills and they'll leave voluntarily. :-)
The mindset of these racist cretins is astounding. Here in Michigan, after
a campaign in which the Republicans insulted and slandered women, students,
blacks, Latinos, the gay and lesbian community, the poor in general, city
dwellers, teachers, cops, firemen and everyone else within hearing range,
anyone with any education at all, all foreign countries save Uganda which
wants to murder gay people, our lying Governor Snyder has decided unions
must be destroyed. Add all those hated by the Republicans and you have just
about all of us except the racists themselves, which by my estimation
constitute about 17-23% of the population, almost all in the "Red" states.
Well, time and demographics are quickly about to end this disgusting state
of affairs. The racists are literally dying off before our eyes. Those
people are old white Southerners, mostly, and they are dying. Dead, but
still unhappy.
I contend none of these political targets, the people they hate, will ever
vote Republican again, and Republicanism is swiftly going the way of the
dodo, towards inevitable extinction. Every election we have from today
until the last racist is dead will prove this point.
Hate will no longer win elections in America.
Once time solves this problem, we'll be able to fix the problem of
corporations, with axes, chopping them up into little little little pieces,
into "small" businesses able to fail when they deserve to fail.
I have my pitchfork and flaming torch ready for the march on the castle of
the last racist in America. Join me. We'll have a nice lunch afterwards.