High Miles
2012-11-29 02:30:58 UTC
Top US Healthcare Giant: GMOs Are Devastating Health
By Anthony Gucciardi, NaturalSociety
28 November 12
ust days after a leading genetically modified organism (GMO) researcher
spoke out
against GMOs and how many pro-GMO 'scientists' are in bed with Monsanto
or carry their own GMO patents, the largest managed healthcare provider
in the United States is now publicly speaking out against GMOs. In a
recent newsletter, the Kaiser Permanente company discussed the numerous
dangers of GMOs in a recent newsletter and how to avoid them.
Explaining how GM ingredients have been linked to tumors and organ
damage in rats in the only lifelong rat study available, the newsletter
highlighted how the only real long- term research indicates
that GMOs are a serious health danger. The newsletter, which you can
view here
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/"Despite what the biotech industry might say, there is little
research on the long-term effects of GMOs on human health.
Independent research has found several varieties of GMO corn caused
organ damage in rats. Other studies have found that GMOs may lead to
an inability in animals to reproduce."/
*Top Health Giant Says Buy Organic for Proper Health*
The newsletter then goes on to tell readers how they can avoid GMOs in
their food through buying high quality organic and looking for other
non-GMO indicators. It is important to remember the organic labeling
meanings when shopping organic, however, which this newsletter
unfortunately does not address. Make sure you know which 'level' of
organic you are consuming:
* Products labeled *'100% organic'* - These items are made with 100%
organic ingredients and are the highest quality organic products you
can purchase. No GMOs are allowed.
* Labeled *'organic'* - These products are to contain at least 95%
organic ingredients overall. Still no GMOs are allowed.
* 'Made with '*organic ingredients*' - This is the lowest form of
organic content. This label is only required to contain 70% organic
ingredients, meaning that the remaining 30% can be conventional. The
conventional items, however, are not allowed to contain GMOs. These
products don't qualify for the USDA seal, whereas the previous two do.
You can also look for the 'Non-GMO Verified' logo on food items to be
sure that they are GMO free.
But why does a major corporation care that you are eating GMOs? Well the
fact of the matter is that the research (and common sense - eating
pesticide factories mixed with the DNA of viruses isn't going to end
well) indicates GMOs are causing problematic health conditions across
the board. Of course the issue lies in the fact that GMOs are not
immediately considered as a cause and actually influence disease through
a series of complications that are not easy to trace. But as the only
lifelong study
has showed us, *50% of male and 70% of female rats died prematurely when
consuming GMOs.*
And the bottom line is that this is costing Kaiser Permanente. If
members of the healthcare juggernaut were to switch to high quality
organic foods free of GMOs, pesticides, mercury-containing
high-fructose corn syrup, and artificial sweeteners, then Kaiser would
be dishing out millions upon millions less for healthcare costs.
More and more organizations and individuals alike are speaking out
against GMOs and the effects of GMO consumption as the evidence becomes
more and more clear on a daily basis. Perhaps next time Monsanto tries
to push a new outlandish creation into the food supply they will be met
with crushing opposition thanks to a global increase in awareness.
By Anthony Gucciardi, NaturalSociety
28 November 12
ust days after a leading genetically modified organism (GMO) researcher
spoke out
against GMOs and how many pro-GMO 'scientists' are in bed with Monsanto
or carry their own GMO patents, the largest managed healthcare provider
in the United States is now publicly speaking out against GMOs. In a
recent newsletter, the Kaiser Permanente company discussed the numerous
dangers of GMOs in a recent newsletter and how to avoid them.
Explaining how GM ingredients have been linked to tumors and organ
damage in rats in the only lifelong rat study available, the newsletter
highlighted how the only real long- term research indicates
that GMOs are a serious health danger. The newsletter, which you can
view here
<Loading Image...
/"Despite what the biotech industry might say, there is little
research on the long-term effects of GMOs on human health.
Independent research has found several varieties of GMO corn caused
organ damage in rats. Other studies have found that GMOs may lead to
an inability in animals to reproduce."/
*Top Health Giant Says Buy Organic for Proper Health*
The newsletter then goes on to tell readers how they can avoid GMOs in
their food through buying high quality organic and looking for other
non-GMO indicators. It is important to remember the organic labeling
meanings when shopping organic, however, which this newsletter
unfortunately does not address. Make sure you know which 'level' of
organic you are consuming:
* Products labeled *'100% organic'* - These items are made with 100%
organic ingredients and are the highest quality organic products you
can purchase. No GMOs are allowed.
* Labeled *'organic'* - These products are to contain at least 95%
organic ingredients overall. Still no GMOs are allowed.
* 'Made with '*organic ingredients*' - This is the lowest form of
organic content. This label is only required to contain 70% organic
ingredients, meaning that the remaining 30% can be conventional. The
conventional items, however, are not allowed to contain GMOs. These
products don't qualify for the USDA seal, whereas the previous two do.
You can also look for the 'Non-GMO Verified' logo on food items to be
sure that they are GMO free.
But why does a major corporation care that you are eating GMOs? Well the
fact of the matter is that the research (and common sense - eating
pesticide factories mixed with the DNA of viruses isn't going to end
well) indicates GMOs are causing problematic health conditions across
the board. Of course the issue lies in the fact that GMOs are not
immediately considered as a cause and actually influence disease through
a series of complications that are not easy to trace. But as the only
lifelong study
has showed us, *50% of male and 70% of female rats died prematurely when
consuming GMOs.*
And the bottom line is that this is costing Kaiser Permanente. If
members of the healthcare juggernaut were to switch to high quality
organic foods free of GMOs, pesticides, mercury-containing
high-fructose corn syrup, and artificial sweeteners, then Kaiser would
be dishing out millions upon millions less for healthcare costs.
More and more organizations and individuals alike are speaking out
against GMOs and the effects of GMO consumption as the evidence becomes
more and more clear on a daily basis. Perhaps next time Monsanto tries
to push a new outlandish creation into the food supply they will be met
with crushing opposition thanks to a global increase in awareness.