Post by Change!Remember this date. Democrats are responsible for another
undeclared war.
We are truly indebted to House Minority Leader, Dick Gephardt,
for officially linking the Iraqi bombing to the Impeachment
Proceedings! In a speech yesterday (12/17/98), to a rally
opposed to the Impeachment Proceedings, Gephardt gave us this
confirmation that the strategy of the President was to avoid
impeachment by bombing Iraq. Listen to what he said:
"We strongly object to this matter coming up ... any day in
which our young men and women in the military are in harm's way."
There you have the official confirmation that President
Clinton's strategy was to attack Iraq so that the House of
Representatives would not vote for impeachment. During the
actual debate, on 12/18/98, virtually every Democrat Congressman
that spoke used this tactic as a defense of the President.
Virtually every one of them rose to the podium to say that we
should not be having this impeachment debate while our military
young men and women were in combat! Thus, their very words
indicted Clinton, by showing beyond a shadow of a doubt that
Clinton had ordered the attack as a means of forcing the House
of Representatives to delay the impeachment proceeding, until
the next House is seated in January.
As of this writing, the debate is continuing and will probably
pass, anyway, as enough Congressmen will be able to see through
the transparent and shameless attempt to use war as a means to
avoid impeachment. However, if the impeachment falls a few
votes shy of passing, you can probably bet that enough
Congressmen were influenced to vote against impeachment because
we have troops in action in Iraq.
I clearly remember the impeachment process of President Nixon.
Not only did the Democrat Leadership extend the inquiry to a far
wider circle than ever before, and not only did they drag the
process out many, many months more than they had originally
announced they would, but they shameless worried in public that
Nixon would use the powers of his Presidency to create a
spectacular "crisis" somewhere in the world that would rally the
people around him. Of course, President Nixon did not actually
create a crisis, and there is absolutely no evidence that he
even contemplated it; he was far too much a man to put American
lives and honor on the line just to stay President. When
Clinton was asked about whether his military action against Iraq
was "Wag the Dog", he simply replied, "I don't think the
American people would ever think any President would do
something like that". He did not deny that he ordered our
troops into action to stave off impeachment, he just said no one
would think that of any President. I heard on talk radio
yesterday (12/18), that Charles Krauthamer replied in his
column, that maybe we would not think "any" President would take
this kind of action, but what about "this" President?
There can be no doubt but that President Clinton was invoking
the "Wag The Dog" movie scenario when he ordered American forces
to begin attacking Iraq, less than 12 hours before the House of
Representatives was scheduled to begin debate. In fact, as I
have stated, above, the rhetoric of the Democrat Congressmen
validated this concept; no, it is much stronger than that --
their rhetoric proved that Clinton sent our troops into battle
to stave off impeachment!
In this movie a President rapes a young girl, referred to as a
'firefly', who was wearing a red beret eerily reminiscent of
Monica Lewinsky. To make matters worse, the rape is being made
public only about two weeks before the President's reelection.
To spin the story, and distract Americans from the sex scandal,
the White House Chief of Staff contacts a media expert played by
Robert DeNiro.
After hearing the sordid details of the rape, this media expert
then sets in motion a cover story about a strategic nuclear
bomber that does not exist, and a totally fake war. This
combined story is designed to move the story of the rape from
the front page to the deep inside section of the daily
newspapers. Further, the media expert knows a war will cause the
American people to rally behind the President, simply because he
is leading Americans in a war, a cause which history has always
shown produces high Presidential ratings, whomever he might be.
The media expert then immediately flies to Hollywood, where he
enlists the aid of a major producer to create news footage of
this fake war on a studio set. The picture they create is of a
young girl running for her life in a bombed-out village. She is
carrying a fake white cat as she is running, and she is looking
very scared, by the way.