Joel Olson
2012-12-31 21:38:08 UTC
From FB -
The bureaus that do statistics, census and labor, push Median Income, Median
This and Median That. Which is misleading. It overstates the situation. My
question is a simple one - how much do most people make? What income number
applies to the most people? (The median is way too high.) After some searching,
I found this little graph, which gives a rough answer. That is most families
make less than $25,000, and most individuals make somewhat over $25000. Which
should give you some perspective when the politicians start talking big numbers.
Or medians.
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The bureaus that do statistics, census and labor, push Median Income, Median
This and Median That. Which is misleading. It overstates the situation. My
question is a simple one - how much do most people make? What income number
applies to the most people? (The median is way too high.) After some searching,
I found this little graph, which gives a rough answer. That is most families
make less than $25,000, and most individuals make somewhat over $25000. Which
should give you some perspective when the politicians start talking big numbers.
Or medians.
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