2012-11-19 17:09:34 UTC
Meghan McCain
So, Republicans, we lost again. I have voted three times in my life, and I
have never voted for a winning candidate. I'm sick of this friction' track
record. Everyone knows I'm Republican; I worked very hard trying to get Mitt
Romney elected, defending him on television hundreds and hundreds of times.
And Republicans, we lost because we were talking about rape and abortion and
we can't get behind our gay friends getting married.I don't want everyone to
break out the ice cream and Nora Ephron movies, because in all failure,
there is opportunity. I am many things, but I am no freakin' pessimist. I
think we have a chance to rebuild right now, and I think it can be awesome,
and we have another four years. People just have to stop listening to
frickin' right-wing lunatics like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity - 'cause
see where it's gotten us? I think losing - a lot. And losing early.
I frickin' hate it when election nights are called early. I always think it's
gonna last all night and then it's called at, like, 11.
I hate Karl Rove. I have hated Karl Rove before anybody else hated Karl
Rove. I hated Karl Rove when I was, like, 14 years old. I hate - hate - Karl
Rove. I think he's an idiot, a pretentious blowhard, and I think he was
ruined a lot of things for the Republican Party during the Bush
administration. All these millionaires that keep giving him $400 million for
him to not win one election - maybe it's not working! Maybe it's not
Give me five freakin' dollars - I'll tell you for free what we gotta do. You
can't keep going and trying to get white men, because they're dying off; it's
not a demographic anymore. We need the single women. But you don't care.
Seriously, I hate Karl Rove. Karl Rove needs to go away and retire, and just
crawl back to the hole he emerged from.Everybody hates Karl Rove; he's like
a Bond villain.
So, Republicans, we lost again. I have voted three times in my life, and I
have never voted for a winning candidate. I'm sick of this friction' track
record. Everyone knows I'm Republican; I worked very hard trying to get Mitt
Romney elected, defending him on television hundreds and hundreds of times.
And Republicans, we lost because we were talking about rape and abortion and
we can't get behind our gay friends getting married.I don't want everyone to
break out the ice cream and Nora Ephron movies, because in all failure,
there is opportunity. I am many things, but I am no freakin' pessimist. I
think we have a chance to rebuild right now, and I think it can be awesome,
and we have another four years. People just have to stop listening to
frickin' right-wing lunatics like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity - 'cause
see where it's gotten us? I think losing - a lot. And losing early.
I frickin' hate it when election nights are called early. I always think it's
gonna last all night and then it's called at, like, 11.
I hate Karl Rove. I have hated Karl Rove before anybody else hated Karl
Rove. I hated Karl Rove when I was, like, 14 years old. I hate - hate - Karl
Rove. I think he's an idiot, a pretentious blowhard, and I think he was
ruined a lot of things for the Republican Party during the Bush
administration. All these millionaires that keep giving him $400 million for
him to not win one election - maybe it's not working! Maybe it's not
Give me five freakin' dollars - I'll tell you for free what we gotta do. You
can't keep going and trying to get white men, because they're dying off; it's
not a demographic anymore. We need the single women. But you don't care.
Seriously, I hate Karl Rove. Karl Rove needs to go away and retire, and just
crawl back to the hole he emerged from.Everybody hates Karl Rove; he's like
a Bond villain.