Man charged by Ohio gestapo in use of camera drone at accident.
(too old to reply)
2015-04-30 07:05:56 UTC
Note the obedient conditioned response of the concealed carry
gun nuts.

Kele Stanley has been charged with a felony because officials
say he refused to land the camera-equipped drone that he had
been guiding over a traffic crash scene, but he says he is no

A videographer and remote-controlled airplane hobbyist, Stanley
admits that he twice flew his remote-controlled hexacopter —
which looks more like a robotic spider than a hobby plane and
costs about $4,000 — about 75 feet above where a pickup had hit
a tree on Saturday morning in Clark County’s Moorefield Township.

But he disputes the law-enforcement version that says he refused
to bring his drone down when authorities ordered him to because
a medical helicopter was about to land to transport the injured

“I am not an idiot,” said Stanley, who said he was shooting the
video as a hobby and would have turned it over to local
television stations, as he has done before. “If I had known that
Care Flight was on the way, my helicopter would have come down
immediately. There wouldn’t have been any dispute.”

Stanley, a 31-year-old copy-machine repairman who videotapes
weddings as a side business, posted his $425 bail after being
arrested by Clark County deputies about 10 a.m. Saturday. He had
his initial court appearance yesterday on a felony charge of
obstructing official business and misdemeanor charges of
misconduct at an emergency and disorderly conduct.

His case already is drawing the attention of those interested in
the drone issue, the regulation of which is under debate at both
the state and federal level.

There currently are no regulations in Ohio governing private use
of the unmanned aircraft. The federal government has said that
law-enforcement agencies must receive special permits to use
them but commercial use — by real-estate agents or corporations,
for example, that want a bird’s-eye view of something — or the
hobbyist’s use is so far unregulated fair game.

Peter Sachs is a Connecticut lawyer, a (real) helicopter pilot
and a drone enthusiast who runs the Drone Law Journal. He’s a
critic of the Federal Aviation Administration’s assertion that
it has a right to control such use.

He has watched Stanley’s case play out in social media and,
judging by the expensive equipment that Stanley was using, Sachs
said it appears he is “far from amateur.” He said he can’t
imagine that anyone would continue to fly knowing he could be
interfering with a helicopter coming in to save a life.

Sachs said the drones simply make some people nervous, so they
try to stop them. He sees it as a First Amendment issue: “Anyone
can take a view from a public place of anything happening

Clark County Sheriff Gene Kelly didn’t return a call seeking
comment, but the criminal complaint against Stanley says he was
told both by fire officials and a deputy that he had to stop
flying and why.

Stanley said he knew there was no law against what he was doing,
so he put the helicopter back up after being approached by a
deputy. But he says the first time he heard about Care Flight
was after he already had brought the drone down a second time,
and he didn’t fly it again.

Sachs said those on both sides of the drone issue will be
watching the case.

“If he did do something wrong, it should come out,” Sachs said.
“And if he didn’t, that story needs to be told, too. Drones have
an unfair, bad connotation surrounding them.”

The sheriff’s office hasn’t released the name or condition of
the man hurt in the crash.




Guilty as charged, Pay the fine(s.) Simple rule of thumb says if
a law enforcement officer tells you to do something at a crime
scene or accident scene you do it. If you think he/she was wrong
you can bring it up later, but defying them at the scene can get
you or someone else seriously injured or dead. As a concealed
carry licensee I can tell you that is one of the first things
you are taught.

2014-04-15 10:29:08.0


When the whoever authority-figure tells you to stop playing with
your whirly-bird toy, please conform knowing you'll be able to
play again and have fun again with the other boys and girls.
Otherwise i would think that your newfangled gyro-copter thingy
is a major distraction to those trying to apply their services
to a very fast changing situation.

2014-04-15 18:41:50.0


You guys do realize that you live in the United States of
America, right? If you're not breaking a law, the police can't
require you to do something.

2014-04-16 11:57:14.0


2015-05-02 10:07:45 UTC
Here are some quotes from the book "SS Defender against Bolshevism" by
Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler:

Most people think Bolshevism is phenomenon that emerged during the
present time. Many even believe that Bolshevism - this Jewish
organized and led struggle of sub-humanity - is totally new in world

It is hence necessary to study a few clear examples of the methods of
their struggle from the past to the present time in order to recognize
the tactics of the Jewish-Bolshevik enemy.

The Bible gives us one of the historical examples of the radical
annihilation of an Aryan folk by Bolshevik-Jewish methods.

The king, who the Bible calls Ahasveros but who was really Xeres, was
separated from his Persian wife Basthi by the extremely clever
intrigue of the court Jews. The king was influenced by Jewish girls,
especially by the Jewish harlot Esther.
We read how, against the will of the folk-oriented and
racially-conscious Minister Haman the elaborate Jewish intrigue ended
with the unscrupulous and blinded king delivering the loyal Minister
Haman to the Jew Mardochei to be hanged. This detestable practice is
also seen later throughout history. Mardochei was made Vice-King. He
issued orders with that cold-blooded, sober and pitiless calculation
typical of Bolshevism. He had the most Persians and all enemies of the
Jews in the towns and cities murdered by Jews protected by the king's
edict on a specific day.

It is obvious that the ancient Persian folk never recovered from this
blow. One can see the entire tragedy in that this folk, struck and
destroyed by Jewish Bolshevism, did not only lose it's high, pure
religion of Zoroastrianism, but also it's native language. Only after
two thousand years were German scholars able to translate the ancient
Persian language into German after painstaking, scientific labor.

This is always the path of Bolshevism: A folk's leadership is cut
down. It falls into slavery; economic, cultural, spiritual,
psychological and physical slavery. The remnants of the folk, robbed
of it's own value and degenerated by endless race-mixing, disappears
within the historically short span of a few centuries. Later one only
knows that such a folk once existed.

How many other tragedies - completed or not - have occurred on this
earth, we do not know.

First the discontent of Russia's socially suffering folk is
systematically exploited and used for revolutionary propaganda. A
number of Russian leaders who wished to abolish serfdom, especially
Minister Stolypin, are eliminated before they can carry out their
reforms for Russia's benefit by Jewish anarchists.

Rule passes from the moderate socialist party into the hands of the
radical socialist party, the Bolsheviks. Nothing more stands in the
way. With the full power of the state the Jews complete the radical
slaughter of the good blood that resists them. One could quote from
the book of Esther where it says: many Persians become Jews out of
fear of the Jews! In the system of the black flag all of the non-Jews
of weak character defect to the Jews. They become the executioners
helpers and helpful spirits, informers and spies against their own

The perfection of these methods of extermination can be seen in the
tactics of the Russian
Secret Police. Again and again, they themselves systematically
organize rebellions with key agents against their own regime in order
to again and again find the leaders who would participate in such and
uprising and neutralize them. Every resistance leader - every one in
this tortured Aryan folk still able to think or even become a leader
against the Bolsheviks and the Jews - falls.

You will see that - in Jews, sub-humans and their auxiliary
organizations - we are confronted by skillful opponents.

Many things, we teach the SS-man, can be forgiven on this earth, but
one thing never, namely disloyalty. Whoever breaks loyalty separates
himself from our community. For loyalty is a matter of the heart,
never of the mind. The mind might resist. That is often harmful, but
never incorrigible. But the heart must always beat the same. It is
stops, the man dies - just like a folk dies it is breaks loyalty. Here
we mean loyalty of every kind:
Loyalty to the Fuehrer and hence to the German/Germanic folk, its will
and kind; loyalty to the blood, to our ancestors and our
grandchildren; loyalty to our clan; loyalty to the comrade; and
loyalty to the irrefutable laws of decency, cleanliness, and
chivalry.. One does not only sin against loyalty and honor if one
passively allows his or the Schutzstaffel's honor to be tarnished. He
sins against it above all if he does not respect the honor of others,
if he mocks things that are sacred to others or if he does not stand
up, manly and decently, for the absent, the weak and the defenseless.

We have learned that only the man with this conviction learns modesty
even in times of success and avoids the mistakes of over-confidence
and arrogance. Likewise only such men can bear times of greatest
distress with the same iron calm they showed in times of good fortune,
living in Spartan simplicity. We teach our SS-men - beyond the
marriage law and the proper mate selection - that our whole struggle,
the political struggle of the past fifteen years and the expansion of
our Wehrmacht to protect our borders, would all be useless and in
vain, if the victory of German spirit is not followed by the victory
of the German child.
We have made it one of our tasks to do more than talk, rather to
proceed through deed and example in our own ranks. We will today and
in the future impress on our men that the most holy and valuable
person of our folk is the mother who is conscious of her sacred duty,
and the German child is the most precious thing.

What do you think of a person who does not believe in God? The answer
is: "I consider him arrogant, megalomaniac and dumb. He is not suited
for us."

To clearly present our stand on religion. Be assured that we would not
be able to form such and an ironclad corps, if we did not have
conviction and faith in a God who stands over us, who created us, our
fatherland, our folk and the earth, and who has sent us our Fuehrer.

We are piously convinced that in accordance with the eternal laws of
this earth we must stand by every deed, every word and every thought.
Everything that our mind thinks up, our tongue speaks, and our hand
carries out does not stop with its execution, rather it is a cause
that will have an effect, in inescapable course that will return to us
and our folk as a blessing or as a curse. Believe me, people with this
stance are anything but atheists. We refuse to allow ourselves to be
slandered as atheists - through misuse of the term pagan - simply
because we as a community do not embrace a particular denomination or
dogma or demand this from any of our men. We allow ourselves the right
and freedom to draw a sharp and distinct line between
religious/church/denominational activity and political/world-view
soldiery, and we will fiercely combat any violation. Likewise we teach
our men - despite much justified outrage and many bad experiences that
our folk has had in this area in the past - to respect everything that
is holy to any folk comrade - due to his education and conviction -
without any insult in word or deed.

I know there are many people in Germany who feel ill when they see
this Black uniform. We understand this and we do not expect that we
will be loved by all too many. We should and we will respect all who
hold Germany dear. Those who have a bad conscience toward the Fuehrer
and the nation should fear us. For these people we have built an
organization called Security Service. As the SS we also provide the
men for service in the
Secret State Police. We will constantly fulfill our task of being the
guarantor of Germany's security internally just like the German
Wehrmacht guarantees the protection of the honor, greatness and peace
of the Reich externally. We will make sure that never again in
Germany, Europe's heart, the Jewish-Bolshevik revolution of
sub-humanity is ignited from within or by emissaries from outside. We
will become a pitiless executioner's sword for all of these forces -
whose existence and activity are known to us - on the day of even the
slightest attempt, be it today or in decades or in centuries.

I return to the beginning and wish to again stress that Bolshevism is
not a contemporary phenomenon that can be debated out of existence or
thought away because we wish that. We know him, the Jew, the people
comprised of the refuse of all the peoples and nations of this planet,
upon who it has stamped its Jewish blood kind. Its wish is world
domination, its desire is destruction, its will is extermination, its
religion is godlessness and its idea is Bolshevism. We do not
underestimate him, because we believe in the divine mission of our
folk and we believe in our again resurrected strength through Adolf
Hitler's leadership and work.

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